Everyone knows about the effects obvious bad breath foods like garlic and onions have on our kissability, but let’s dig a little deeper and delve into the depths of some of the worst bad breath foods in existence.Top 10 Stinkiest Foods that Cause Bad Breath
According to KidsHealth.org, bad breath (or Halitosis) is caused by odor-producing bacteria that grow in the mouth. When you don’t brush and floss regularly, bacteria accumulate on the bits of food left in your mouth and between your teeth. The sulfur compounds released by these bacteria make your breath smell.
We can think of only one circumstance in which garlic breath may be a good thing…fighting off fang-toothed vampire advances!
If we can’t brush, floss, and go with the myriad of oral healthcare travel tools on the market, or habitually plop fresh breath strips into our mouths, what are we to do in the battle with the green fog when dining on some of these bad breath foods?
Thanks to Dr. Howard Katz’s recent article in the Huffington Post, Stinky Foods that Push Bad Breath to the Limit, and to TheraBreath.com for the following info.
10 Bad Breath Foods That Will Make You Totally Unkissable
Tuna – Maybe the sashimi grade Bluefin will pass muster, but be prepared to grab a brush and swish some mouthwash following a tussle with the type of tuna requiring a can opener.
Peanuts – If you like the smell of vinegar, rotten cabbage, or stinky Asian lady beetles, then peanut breath is for you!
Cheeses – From French curd concoctions banned from public transit to English cheese contenders that reportedly smell like a “rugby club changing room,” cheese is certainly one of the stinkiest bad breath culprits known across the world.
Durian – Here’s another bad breath offender banned from public transit in Singapore, it’s a Southeast Asian fruit possessing a powerfully pungent essence of positively bad breath causing consequence.
Kala namak – Also known as “black salt,” kala namak is an Indian condiment comprised of salt with high-sulfur impurities. It’s said to have the whiff of rotten eggs, though at thrice the pungence power.
Stinky tofu – Made with a sour-milk-and-shrimp brine, this East Asian staple apparently tastes like either bleu cheese or spoiled milk.
Hakarl – Oh dear, after eating this one, you’ll definitely need the >best mouthwash you can find. An Icelandic delicacy, hakarl is made by burying shark meat in gravel and letting it rot for up to three months. Newbies to eating hakarl usually need to hold their nose, since the meat smells overpoweringly of ammonia.
Iru – This is West Africa’s contribution to the Halitosis Hall of Fame. To make iru, bury locust beans, let them fester, then dig them up and pound them into small, stinky, brown patties.
Lutefisk – Get ready to gag. Lutefisk is a traditional Norwegian dish made by soaking whitefish in lye for days, resulting in a sticky, gelatinous goo. And yes, it reeks.
And last but not least, a spot of tea…
Kombucha – Kombucha is a form of tea that gets its special punch from yeast, which is allowed to ferment in the warm beverage for a month. What results, according to a piece in New York Magazine, is a drink that has long, green strands of gunk floating in it, and that smells like compost. Don’t be fooled by wild health claims made by kombucha distributors. The Mayo Clinic emphasizes that there is no scientific evidence that kombucha helps liver function, immunity or anti-cancer activity. But there is evidence showing that this beverage can cause upset stomachs, infections and bad breath.
Content courtesy yorkhillendodontics.ca
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