Dental Implants – Everything You Need to Know
Dental implants are a permanent solution to both cosmetic problems and functional issues. These highly effective titanium posts are inserted into the gum where they fuse with your natural bone. They are then capped with a crown or bridge to become virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth in appearance, function, and feel.
We also offer a cost-effective, time-saving solution to missing and damaged teeth. The All-on-4 implant is a full set of upper or lower teeth, inserted in to the gums on only four surgical posts; restoring full function immediately.
The Westway Difference
At Westway Dental, we have over 40 years of unparalleled experience and only offer the latest in dental technology. With our expertly installed implants, we can help you achieve the beautiful, perfectly functioning smile you’ve always wanted, for a lifetime.
If you feel you’d be a good candidate for implants call now to 416-245-1554 book a consultation.